JUNE 5th  6:00pm and 9:00pm I’m Sailor Moon, and you’re invited to attend in the name of the Moon!Don’t miss this incredible multimedia show experience and live orchestra featuring the soundtrack of everyone’s most beloved anime, Sailor Moon. Get your...
JUNE 6th 8:00pm T’Hó String Quintet was created in 2022 with the desire to play chamber music with clarinet under the tutelage of teacher Irina Decheva. They perform their first concert at the G.Canton palace with the string quintet in...
JUNE 8th 9:00pm Fonseca presents his ninth studio album “Viajante” on this tour, an album and a tour that commemorate 20 years of career. Get yout tickets HERE 📍Auditorio La Isla, C. 88 688, 97300 Mérida, Yuc.
JUNE 10th 5:00pm Rubytates Returns to Merida! For the second time there will be a night with many warm and enveloping sounds such as “Zafiro”, “Bajo las luces”, “Fragilidad”, which are some of the group’s greatest hits, after their success...
JUNE 10th 7:00pm DLD, is a Mexican Rock and Pop band from the State of Mexico, Mexico. The band was formed in November 1998.1 It currently consists of five members; Francisco Familiar (Vocals), Erik Neville Linares (Guitar), Edgar “Pijey” Hansen...
JUNE 10th 7:00pm Interactive Museum of the Palace of Music Free admission 📍Palacio De La Musica, C. 58, Parque Santa Lucia, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc.
JUNE 10th 10:00pm Sara y Jacobo is a folk rock duo from Bogota made up of singer Sara Cartwright and multi-instrumentalist and producer Jacobo Polanía. Starting from the guitar and voice format, the project rescues the nostalgic aesthetics of folk...
JUNE 11th 6:00pm Tribute concert to The Beatles by the group Ticket to Five. Get your tikets HERE 📍Centro Cultural Olimpo, s/n Calle 62 x 61, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc.
JUNE 13th 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m Brief history of the Circo Teatro Yucateco On June 17th 1900, the new location of the “Circo Teatro Yucateco” was inaugurated, a famous colossus of shows, which almost seventy years after its disappearance,...

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