Stage creators: Andrea Urban, Tobías Ojeda and Zizinete Maravé
Synopsis: A human being is locked up. The days go by and it always seems the same… Is it Friday or Tuesday? It doesn’t matter. A human being enclosed between 4 walls, crosses those walls and travels to other places in space and time. The four walls are transformed, they are no longer made of concrete. Now they are trees in the patio of a house in a town called Muna in 1997, they are the setting for a theater in 2003, they are a meadow, a forest, a beach… They are enough to transport the body and mind of that human being. the notes of a song He discovered it, he is no longer here… Now that human being will never be locked up again.
For the entire family
Nina Shestakova Theater of the Arts (Upper Floor of the Municipal Dance Center) 20:00 – 20:00
$120.00 general / $80.00 children, students and Inapam