Directed by David Poot (David Igneas), this animation explores the changing daily lives of a cat and a mouse when their caretaker vanishes. Through a minimalist yet profound narrative, it reflects on human connection and the inevitability of change.
Cinema Gallos is back with another great movie starring Demi Moore Make sure to check out their other movies playing weekly!
This production is made by Natalia Sosa Producciones and MB Teatro Mérida. Make sure to check out this production made possible with local talent
Directed by Shweta Garg and produced by Daniel González, Pintoresco presents a captivating blend of art and mystery. In a darkened stage, a painter’s distractions and a disappearing model create a dramatic and family-friendly performance.
A great tribute to the musical film “The Greatest Showman” with more than 25 artists on stage, live music! Make sure to get your tickets and enjoy the show.